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Location: BACLIFF, Texas, United States

My mother was murdered by what I call corporate and political homicide i.e. FOR PROFIT! she died from a rare phenotype of CJD i.e. the Heidenhain Variant of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease i.e. sporadic, simply meaning from unknown route and source. I have simply been trying to validate her death DOD 12/14/97 with the truth. There is a route, and there is a source. There are many here in the USA. WE must make CJD and all human TSE, of all age groups 'reportable' Nationally and Internationally, with a written CJD questionnaire asking real questions pertaining to route and source of this agent. Friendly fire has the potential to play a huge role in the continued transmission of this agent via the medical, dental, and surgical arena. We must not flounder any longer. ...TSS

Monday, September 02, 2013

Lessons from the response to the threat of transfusion-transmitted vCJD in Ireland

Original article


Lessons from the response to the threat of transfusion-transmitted vCJD in Ireland


Leçons tirées de la gestion du risque de transmission-tranfusionnelle du vMCJ en Irelande W.G. Murphya, b, Corresponding author contact informationCorresponding author contact information"
>, E-mail the corresponding author" alt="E-mail the corresponding author"> a Irish Blood Transfusion Service, James's Street, Dublin 8, Ireland b School of Medicine & Medical Science, University College, Dublin, Ireland Available online 31 August 2013 Referred to by J. Coste Symposium on prions and transfusion safety Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, Available online 6 August 2013, PDF (236 K)








By the time vCJD was first described in 1996, it was already far too late to offset further disaster from transmission of the disease by blood transfusion: almost all the humans who would be infected and infectious were already diseased. Nothing done by the blood transfusion services around that time, with the exception of excluding transfusion recipients as blood donors, would have made any useful contribution to containing the extent of the epidemic. The ability to spread emerging diseases before the problem is manifest or understood is a fixed and unavoidable feature of blood transfusion as it is practiced today. A second fixed property of blood transfusion is that the root cause of disaster is not within the control of the blood transfusion universe. Strategies that have emerged to cope with similar threat in other enterprises that also contain these properties comprise the components of robust design: surveillance, preparedness for action, engagement, herding together, evasion or avoidance, early adoption of potentially useful measures, engineered resilience, defence in depth, damage limitation including modularity and removal of feedback loops, and contingency, redundancy and failure management, and ultimately, individual escape. Early adoption of leucodepletion based on the possibility that it might work rather than any hard evidence was a good example of threat management. Exclusion of previously transfused donors is a robust mechanism for containing any future infection; optimal blood use structures that provide a national transfusion rate as low as possible also constitute an effective threat management strategy.






Résumé Lorsque la maladie fut décrite pour la première fois en 1996, il était déjà trop tard pour mettre en place des actions préventives contre ce nouveau désastre potentiel de transmission transfusionnelle de la maladie : en effet, tous les sujets contaminés et probablement infectieux étaient déjà décédés. Aucune des mesures déjà mises en place à cette époque, à l’exception de l’exclusion des donneurs ayant été transfusés, auraient permis de lutter efficacement contre l’épidémie. La capacité qu’ont les maladies émergentes de se propager avant même que le problème soit identifié et compris est un caractéristique classique et courante en transfusion sanguine dans sa pratique actuelle. Une seconde caractéristique est que la racine du mal n’est pas sous contrôle en la transfusion sanguine. Les stratégies préventives vis-à-vis de risques émergents similaires rencontrés dans d’autres entreprises forment un plan d’actions robustes comprenant : la veille, la préparation à l’action, l’engagement, l’esprit d’équipe, l’évitement, la mise en place de mesures préventives précoces, la gestion de l’urgence, etc. La mise en place anticipée de la déleucocytation fondée sur le pari que cela pourrait avoir une action bénéfique est un bon exemple de gestion de risque. L’utilisation des produits sanguins à bon escient constitue également une stratégie de management efficace pour diminuer le risque potentiel de transmission par transfusion.



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Keywords Prion; vCJD; Blood transfusion; Risk management Mots clés Prion; vMCJ; Transfusion sanguine; Gestion du risque






Sunday, July 21, 2013


Welsh Government and Food Standards Agency Wales Joint Public Consultation on the Proposed Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Wales) Regulations 2013 Singeltary Submission WG18417





Sunday, August 25, 2013


Prion2013 Chronic Wasting Disease CWD risk factors, humans, domestic cats, blood, and mother to offspring transmission





Friday, August 16, 2013


*** Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) biannual update August 2013 U.K. and Contaminated blood products induce a highly atypical prion disease devoid of PrPres in primates





Monday, May 6, 2013


Warning of mad cow disease threat to blood transfusions





Sunday, September 1, 2013


Evaluation of the Zoonotic Potential of Transmissible Mink Encephalopathy


We previously described the biochemical similarities between PrPres derived from L-BSE infected macaque and cortical MM2 sporadic CJD: those observations suggest a link between these two uncommon prion phenotypes in a primate model (it is to note that such a link has not been observed in other models less relevant from the human situation as hamsters or transgenic mice overexpressing ovine PrP [28]). We speculate that a group of related animal prion strains (L-BSE, c-BSE and TME) would have a zoonotic potential and lead to prion diseases in humans with a type 2 PrPres molecular signature (and more specifically type 2B for vCJD)






Together with previous experiments performed in ovinized and bovinized transgenic mice and hamsters [8,9] indicating similarities between TME and L-BSE, the data support the hypothesis that L-BSE could be the origin of the TME outbreaks in North America and Europe during the mid-1900s.








Sunday, August 11, 2013


Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease CJD cases rising North America updated report August 2013


*** Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease CJD cases rising North America with Canada seeing an extreme increase of 48% between 2008 and 2010










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