vCJD transfusion-associated Fourth Case UK

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Location: BACLIFF, Texas, United States

My mother was murdered by what I call corporate and political homicide i.e. FOR PROFIT! she died from a rare phenotype of CJD i.e. the Heidenhain Variant of Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease i.e. sporadic, simply meaning from unknown route and source. I have simply been trying to validate her death DOD 12/14/97 with the truth. There is a route, and there is a source. There are many here in the USA. WE must make CJD and all human TSE, of all age groups 'reportable' Nationally and Internationally, with a written CJD questionnaire asking real questions pertaining to route and source of this agent. Friendly fire has the potential to play a huge role in the continued transmission of this agent via the medical, dental, and surgical arena. We must not flounder any longer. ...TSS

Thursday, April 02, 2009

MORE Blood products collected from a donor considered to be at increased risk for vCJD, were distributed USA APRIL 1, 2009

PRODUCT a) Red Blood Cells, Recall # B-0659-09; b) Fresh Frozen Plasma, Recall # B-0660-09; c) Platelets, Recall # B-0661-09 CODE a) and b) Units: KX07877; KX05639; c) KX05639 RECALLING FIRM/MANUFACTURER Mid-South Regional Blood Center , Memphis , TN , by letter beginning July 10, 2008. Firm initiated recall is complete. REASON Blood products, collected from a donor considered to be at increased risk for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), were distributed. VOLUME OF PRODUCT IN COMMERCE 5 units DISTRIBUTION TN


PRODUCT a) Red Blood Cells Leukocytes Reduced, Recall # B-0684-09; b) Recovered Plasma, Recall # B-0685-09 CODE a) and b) Units: 6165539, 6184317 RECALLING FIRM/MANUFACTURER South Texas Blood and Tissue Center , San Antonio , TX , by fax and e-mail on November 25, 2008 and as follow-up by fax on February 5, 2009. Firm initiated recall is complete. REASON Blood products, collected from a donor with risk factors for vCJD, were distributed. VOLUME OF PRODUCT IN COMMERCE 4 units DISTRIBUTION TX, Austria



sadly, that was no April fools joke.


The Department of Health asked SEAC for advice on a methodology for assessing the risks of using single unit plasma as opposed to pooled plasma, either sourced from the UK or non-UK source countries.

SEAC noted that there are many large uncertainties around the potential risk of transmission of vCJD via the use of plasma products. However, as the relative risks (as opposed to absolute risks) posed by plasma products were being estimated, uncertainties around the timing, level and distribution of infectivity in blood of an infected person would not appreciably affect the estimations. The best way to manage other major uncertainties, such as those around the prevalence of vCJD in the UK and other countries, would be to develop a range of scenarios incorporating reasonable high and low value estimates for such parameters.


SEAC considered data from investigations of a Haemophilia patient who had been shown on post mortem to have the abnormal prion protein associated with vCJD in his spleen (as reported recently by the Health Protection Agency2). In view of the fact that preliminary unpublished data were considered, this issue was discussed in a reserved business session in accordance with the SEAC Code of Practice.

SEAC agreed that, although the patient had not shown clinical signs of vCJD prior to death, this finding provides evidence of vCJD infection. It would appear more likely at this stage that the infection occurred from the administration of clotting factors prepared from the plasma of a donor who had later developed vCJD than from dietary exposure to BSE.

update ;

2009 31 March 2009 - A summary of the 102nd SEAC meeting (35 KB) held on 4th March 2009


SEAC noted that IBNC appeared to be a rare disease that occurred in older cattle, predominantly as single cases, although it is possible that surveillance may not detect all cases. Biochemical studies suggested that the prion protein may play a role in the disease. However, it is unclear whether the normal form of the protein or an abnormal form is involved. Studies are required to determine whether IBNC is transmissible or not. SEAC concluded, noting that specified risk material controls are in place to prevent cattle brain from entering the food supply, that current data on IBNC do not suggest it presents a risk to human health.

stupid is, as stupid does. (forest gump). ...TSS

>>> All of the 15 cattle tested showed that the brains had abnormally accumulated prion protein. <<<

Saturday, February 28, 2009

NEW RESULTS ON IDIOPATHIC BRAINSTEM NEURONAL CHROMATOLYSIS "All of the 15 cattle tested showed that the brains had abnormally accumulated PrP" 2009

SEAC 102/2

''THE LINE TO TAKE'' ON IBNC $$$ 1995 $$$


page 9 of 14 ;

30. The Committee noted that the results were unusual. the questioned whether there could be coincidental BSE infection or contamination with scrapie. Dr. Tyrell noted that the feeling of the committee was that this did not represent a new agent but it was important to be prepared to say something publicly about these findings. A suggested line to take was that these were scientifically unpublishable results but in line with the policy of openness they would be made publicly available and further work done to test their validity. Since the BSE precautions were applied to IBNC cases, human health was protected. Further investigations should be carried out on isolations from brains of IBNC cases with removal of the brain and subsequent handling under strict conditions to avoid the risk of any contamination.

31. Mr. Bradley informed the Committee that the CVO had informed the CMO about the IBNC results and the transmission from retina and he, like the Committee was satisfied that the controls already in place or proposed were adequate. ...

snip... see full text

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Scientists warn of first ever case of human mad cow disease from blood plasma

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy h-BSE ATYPICAL USA 2008 Annual Report Research Project: Study of Atypical Bse

Location: Virus and Prion Diseases of Livestock

2008 Annual Report

Thursday, December 04, 2008 2:37 PM

"we have found that H-BSE can infect humans."

personal communication with Professor Kong. ...TSS

see full text ;

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories Fifth Edition 2007 (occupational exposure to prion diseases)

Sunday, August 10, 2008 A New Prionopathy OR more of the same old BSe and sporadic CJD

Sunday, March 16, 2008 MAD COW DISEASE terminology UK c-BSE (typical), atypical BSE H or L, and or Italian L-BASE

HUMAN and ANIMAL TSE Classifications i.e. mad cow disease and the UKBSEnvCJD only theory JUNE 2008


Tissue infectivity and strain typing of the many variants Manuscript of the human and animal TSEs are paramount in all variants of all TSE. There must be a proper classification that will differentiate between all these human TSE in order to do this. With the CDI and other more sensitive testing coming about, I only hope that my proposal will some day be taken seriously. ...


Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for The Lancet Infectious Diseases Manuscript Draft Manuscript Number: Title: HUMAN and ANIMAL TSE Classifications i.e. mad cow disease and the UKBSEnvCJD only theory Article Type: Personal View Corresponding Author: Mr. Terry S. Singeltary, Corresponding Author's Institution: na First Author: Terry S Singeltary, none Order of Authors: Terry S Singeltary, none; Terry S. Singeltary


TSEs have been rampant in the USA for decades in many species, and they all have been rendered and fed back to animals for human/animal consumption. I propose that the current diagnostic criteria for human TSEs only enhances and helps the spreading of human TSE from the continued belief of the UKBSEnvCJD only theory in 2007. snip...

see full text 31 pages ;

snip... see full text 48 pages, 1st page starts on page 13. ...TSS


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